
Hi, I'm Kira!

About Me

My name is Kira Bursky and I'm the designer of All Around Artsy. I'm a magic and inner wellbeing-inspired multidisciplinary artist and filmmaker. I've exhibited my art internationally, sold 2,500+ visual art NFTs, and had my first-ever fashion pop up in Miami during Art Basel 2022. August 2023 I officially launched All Around Artsy Fashion. November 2023 I had my first fashion show (see the video below!) Since launching, my art fashion has gone viral on Reddit on a few occasions, gathering over 8 million views! I'm excited to share my art through the medium of fashion. Launching a fashion brand has been one of my lifelong dreams. Through each piece of clothing, I hope to inspire joy, curiosity, self-reflection, play and magic. 


My Process

About 4 years ago I decided to buy an iPad so I could experiment with turning my art into clothes. By drawing digitally I can easily have the art printed onto fabric. All of my art is inspired by inner wellbeing and perceptions of reality, and so my art + design process is very intuitive. This allows me to let my subconscious and emotions flow freely through the creative process. After I complete the art piece, I move onto designing the clothes. My passion is in textile design, so I work on the overall placement of my art, patterns and general coloring on the garments. I then work with my production partner who helps me bring the vision to life by printing and putting together the clothing for me. They utilize a technique called dye sublimation. Each and every piece is specially made to order. I feel so grateful and excited to be able to bring my wearable art visions to life and share them with you!


Watch my first ever fashion show: